About VLS

VLS delivers consistent scientific quality that has been independently accredited, equally matched by a seamless service.

Understanding that animal health, animal welfare and animal biosecurity are the foundations for strong production and supply chain access. VLS identified a need for specialist testing to support the growing health and welfare requirements for livestock production in Australia.

As an Australian owned and independently operated animal health laboratory, VLS is dedicated to supporting the needs of Australia’s livestock industries.

Contact VLS

VLS offers a range of veterinary diagnostic testing services across major livestock production species, with a specialty scientific focus on bovine, ovine and caprine diagnostic testing.

VLS holds independent accreditation and compliance by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA; www.nata.com.au). To achieve accreditation under a Quality Management System, VLS completes and participates in external quality assurance programs, intra-laboratory and inter-laboratory comparisons, and maintains stringent internal quality control programs to ensure scientific rigor and accuracy of diagnostic test results. In addition, our team of dedicated hand-picked and degree qualified animal health scientists are consistently focused on quality improvement, quality assurance and scientific excellence.

VLS has a modern purpose built and innovative scientific laboratory facility specifically designed to accommodate large sample volumes. Our high throughput offers efficient turnaround time to results, supporting swift decision-making across animal health, animal welfare and biosecurity requirements.

VLS has invested heavily in a global Laboratory Informational Management System (LIMS) software platform that manages samples for testing through an effective and efficient chain of custody for sample integrity and results reporting, providing confidence and assurance for clients and stakeholders. VLS selects tests, kits and methods based on global best practice scientific evidence and not for commercial gain, which provides the best outcome for our clients and stakeholders. VLS believes confidence in the accuracy of diagnostic results is the foundation of good laboratory practices. With over 50 years of combined Animal Health Scientific Laboratory expertise and experience.