Biosecurity Management

Livestock biosecurity management underpins Australia’s entire livestock industry. VLS understands the critical importance of delivering a comprehensive biosecurity solution and improving animal disease risk management in Australia.

VLS understands the crucial role that proactive measures play in safeguarding the health and well-being of Australia’s livestock industry. By harnessing the power of data-driven diagnostics and animal identification technologies, and embracing a proactive approach to animal health, we believe that we can make a significant impact on the well-being and productivity of herds and flocks.

VLS is a specialist in diagnostic services including herd and flock health screening, high throughput infectious disease testing, specific health protocol testing, animal welfare and animal biosecurity diagnostic management.

Our diagnostic services offer a holistic approach to biosecurity, encompassing preventive measures, early detection, and rapid response capabilities. We provide clients with the tools and knowledge via diagnostic data to identify potential threats, assess risks, and implement tailored strategies to mitigate them.

Benefits to our clients:
  1. Scientific rigor and excellence
  2. High throughput and fast turnaround of results
  3. Sample chain of custody for animal, herd or flock identification
  4. Unique data insights for trend analysis and risk mitigation
  5. Informational Management System specific for livestock biosecurity management

For further information please contact the team at VLS